It’s easy to forget about yourself.
If you’re a parent, you’re probably well-acquainted with that reality. In the service of so many others, self-care is something that’s regularly forgotten. Sleep, exercise, and even hygiene often fall by the wayside as you spend your time ensuring your dependents are fed, clothed, and prepared for the outside world. The effect of this negligence builds up, of course, and eventually pops, sometimes in the form of a girls’ weekend in Ft. Lauderdale, or an impulse purchase that gets parked in the good spot in the garage. The classic midlife crisis.
It’s a peculiar moment in a person’s life, but it’s not unique only to individuals. Companies suffer existential anxiety attacks as well—especially professional service companies, and especially especially branding and advertising agencies. The client comes first, which means you come last.
That is, until you make yourself the client, which is exactly what Tilted Chair just did. For the first time in our 8 year history, we made ourselves a priority, and took a long, hard look in the mirror. Who are we? Why are we here? What’s special about us? Where are we going?
Over the last four months, we answered these questions and more. Perhaps most importantly, we applied our unique archetyping process to our own brand, and identified ourselves as a Hero agency—in stark contrast to most creative agencies who fancy themselves the Creative or the Magician. Our history, culture, and approach are different than most agencies, so why shouldn’t our brand also be different?
To say we learned a lot through the exercise of re-branding is a woeful understatement. We gathered insights, defined processes, and sharpened our focus. The new Tilted Chair is bold, sporting superhero colors and a resolute new messaging architecture. We’ve assumed our place in the battle of the brands: we are the makers of human brands. Our allies? Client partners who understand the value of being authentically human. Our enemy? Bad advertising. Our aim? To fearlessly and relentlessly inject humanity into advertising. That’s right YouTube “skip ad” button: we’re coming for you.
Tilted Chair’s first 8 years were awash with challenges, achievements, and milestones, and we’ve chronicled that origin story proudly. But just like Batman after Tim Burton got done with it, it was time for a reboot. So welcome to the next chapter of the Tilted Chair saga. We’re a lean, mean, ad-kicking machine, better positioned than ever to help our client partners achieve branding humanity. If you liked the first version of Tilted Chair, buckle up. The sequel is going to be epic.